Friday, May 29, 2009

Please be seated!

Linden has been a little weak in the "core strength" department, but tonight she showed how much progress has been made. She sat up on her own for an extended period and seemed to really enjoy herself!

This is one easy crowd!

Please ignore the fool to the right of your screen...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

You Want Me to Eat What!?

Today we attempted to enter the wonderful world of food! Unfortunately, Linden didn't find it quite so wonderful. Here's the play-by-play as Linden explained it to us later...

(start cheesy dramatization)

"I'm not really sure about this goo you call cereal, but you seem to think I'll like it..."

" That first bite was nasty... and now a second!? Is this some cruel joke?"

"Maybe I didn't make things clear... this stuff is disgusting! See the look on my face? That is not delight!"

"I'm beginning to think you're crazy."

"Somebody out there save me from this gastronomical torture... anybody have the number for Child Protective Services?"

"That's it... you're in for the worst spit up of my life!"

"Enough!! C'mon!! Seriously!!"
(end scene)

Poor little girl... guess we better brush up on our "Here comes the airplane!" routine. *sigh*

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

1st Mother's Day

On Mother's day our church offered to take family photos. I suppose this is officially our first family photo.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Stayin' Cool

As many of you have heard, Santa Barbara has been in the midst of a state of emergency. FIRES have been ravaging our hills and many homes. We have been as close as 1/2 block outside of the evacuation warning area, but fortunately have not had to evacuate. To make matters worse, we've had 100+ degree temps and can't open our windows due to the heavy ash falling from the sky! Oh, and we don't have Air Conditioning either.

So we've had to get creative...

Here is Linden swinging in the nude...

I used a frozen wet wash cloth on Linden's forehead and she seem to really enjoy it!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Unexpected trip to Montana...

We received sad news last week... Kacy's grandmother experienced 2 severe strokes and passed away several days later. Her name was Floyce Upham. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. Although the news was extremely sad, we are thankful she is no longer in pain and unhappy.

The 3 of us hopped onto a plane and headed up to Montana to mourn our loss and rejoice the life she led. The services were beautiful and people came out in droves to pay their respects. She was a well respected and loved woman.

The time spent with family in Montana was amazing. Linden got to meet lots of extended family... the highlight of which was definitely meeting her Great-Grandfather Upham. Despite the circumstances, it was a wonderful weekend.

Grandma Upham will be sorely missed (1921-2009).

Spending time on Great Grandpa's lap.

Four generations on one couch.

Linden was an incredible traveler! We had 2 flights on Thursday and 3 on Sunday. She was an angel the entire trip. It looks like we have a traveler on our hands... and that makes her parents ecstatic!