Monday, March 30, 2009

An evening stroll at the beach...

We decided to take advantage of the beautiful evening and low tide with our friends visiting from Germany.

Marta and Kacy (sporting the Moby) ... and Otto being taunted by a terrier of sorts.

Linden enjoyed facing out during the walk.

Martin had to stick his head in the stinky cave...

"My name is Otto and I approve this blog post"


Mike and Kristi Farrell said...

Kacy- Please refer to pg. 14 of your Moby manual for the correct configuration of the Lotus Hold. Also see pg. 3 for 'what not to do' under Safety Tips...

By the way, who was that metrosexual you met on the beach with the orange sweater?

Erin said...

Kac - you mastered the "face out"! Yay! Even more fun to see Linden pictures after getting to spend some quality time with your precious little one. :)

The Yardley's said...

Uh... it's a maroon sweatshirt. Get your facts straight!