Linden had her 6 month check up today and all is good on the health front! Here are the latest stats:
Height - 28 inches (+97th percentile... she's the average height of a 10 month old)
Weight - 17lbs 9oz (80th percentile)
Head Circumference - 17 inches (45th percentile)
And of course, other important stats:
Screeching level at unbearable decibels - 100th percentile
Bowel movements at inopportune times - 100th percentile
8 months ago
That's our girl!!!! Tall and mighty. Congrats on making it through six months, precious Linden. The best is yet to come!
Yay, she is so cute! And she might just be taller than Ethan now, we'll know next week!
Man Linden is going to CRUSH on the volleyball court someday. Start her early! Olympic team 2028!!!
Also we apologize if she contracted the screech virus from Lily... (it takes about 2 months to run its course)
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