Yeah, like her 9 month check up...
Here are the beloved stats:
Height - 29.5 inches (97th percentile)
Weight - 19lbs 6oz (60th percentile)
Head Circumference - 18.25 inches (97th percentile)
By reading these numbers, you may be concerned with her proportions... Long and lean with a large noggin'. Walking may be a bit difficult... like trying to balance a bowling ball on the top of a yard stick! But we're not worried!
Mr. Met seems to be doing just fine! (see here)
Below are some pictures from a playdate w/ Logan. You may remember him from the Daddy Day Care Series (Part 1 and Part 2). Logan's mom, Jess, took these really great photos. Thanks Jess for the great pictures and for allowing us to go out and celebrate our anniversary!
Her father has been known to sport this serious look.

Looking into the eye of the lens... (possible narcissism brewing?)

Logan puttin' the moves on... again.

L & L enjoying a nice bubble show.

This picture was just too much for me to handle...

O these pix are priceless! Thank you for sharing them. She is showing so much personality and I can't get over the focus and concentration she displays! Sorry, we forgot to sing for the 9 mo. birthday! Actually, we remembered, but didn't get the call made!
So precious and her stats are perfect in every way!
Love you all
The pictures are beautiful! She is such a gorgeous little girl - not a surprise with such gorgeous parents!
She is so adorable!!I love Jess's photos!
She and Will should get together...he is long and lean with a big head as well!
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