Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Ever since Linden arrived as part of our family, our first child (the hairier, darker, creature living in our house) has been a little stand-offish. Don't get me wrong, he tolerates Linden, even protects her around strangers, but all-in-all he's kept his distance, and seemed to accept his demoted status in the family ("get off Linden's blanket, Otto", "stop running around, Linden is sleeping", "get off the couch, I need to feed Linden", etc, etc. - poor guy).

Well, in the last week I've noticed some changes. For one, we usually get up, have breakfast, and then Linden gets some time on the floor to play. The last few mornings, Otto has run up, sniffed her head and proceeded to give her a couple of licks (which always takes L by surprise - she makes the funniest face.) Secondly, I've caught him snuggled up against her while she's playing. Here are a few pics of the two exploring their new friendship - which mostly consists of Linden tugging, patting, pulling, grabbing, and poking Otto, and he patiently takes it.

Here are the playmates holding hands...

Makes a Mommy proud to see her kidlets getting along! :)

1 comment:

Erin said...

These pictures are so precious! Please give Otto a pat on the head for me for being such a good big brother. :)