We love having visitors, as it forces us to be tourists in our own town!
We started out the weekend our favorite way. Breakfast burritos at Alice Keck Park (aka Turtle Park)
Later we enjoyed our new guilty pleasure... Yogurtland! Marko didn't realize you weren't supposed to eat the spoon...
Santa Claus Lane Beach. Linden doing her push-up regimen.
The tower atop the Courthouse
A short hike to Knapp's Castle (in 95 degree heat!)
Sunday night, Leo and sous chef Marko cooked a delicious traditional Brazilian dish for all of us... Mmmmm!
You can track their road trip on Leo's blog. Happy trails guys!
sous chef marko? i am the head chef!!!
it was a great weekend, dudes
eat my shorts
I think I was being generous by calling you "sous chef". :)
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